Tag Archives: display space

Sleek Modern Cabinet

Ikea Stockholm collection glass door cabinet

Though it’s been too many years to count since I’ve been in a classroom, the start of September always feels like I’ve hit a reset button, pushing me to get organized again for fall. Some spring clean, I fall organize. I moved a few months ago, and while I technically have more storage in the new place, I have less display space for the things I’ve collected over the years—mainly quirky one-offs that are currently packed in boxes in my storage unit. As soon as I spotted this glass door cabinet from Ikea’s latest Stockholm collection (the brand’s fine materials, high-design collection released every three years or so), I knew I’d found both the perfect piece to free my collections from their confines (in yellow, no less!) and the inspiration to get organized. (And truth be told, it’s the latter that needs the most help.)

Ikea Stockholm collection glass door cabinet, $499, available in Calgary and Vancouver at Ikea, ikea.ca.

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